Donna Kurtz, PhD

Associate Professor Emeritus

Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Nursing
Other Titles: Indigenous Health Liaison, Indigenous Liaison

Research Summary

Indigenous Health and Wellness Traditional and Western; Decolonizing Strength-based Approaches; Qualitative research; Cultural Safety education and practice


Dr. Kurtz is a registered nurse researcher of European and Metis ancestry grateful to live and work within the unceded, Traditional, ancestral territory of the Syilx Okanagan Nation, and is guided by Elders, Knowledge Keepers, Healers, community and health leaders, and community members. They lead multiple collaborative Indigenous community-university wellness projects through the University of British Columbia Okanagan School of Nursing Indigenous Health Promotion Cultural Safety (Lab).

Decolonizing gender-relevant, equity-based, led Indigenous research methodologies take action for health system changes led by and relevant to Indigenous Peoples and communities across generations. This includes cultural safety education, as a way of life, within communities, health agencies and post-secondary institutions to honour wholistic Traditional and Western knowledge and practices that are respectful antiracist, non-discriminatory, research, community distinctive and responsive health and wellness services, and health equity policy.


Indigenous Health Promotion and Cultural Safety Lab



PhD, Deakin University, Australia – Dissertation: Contributing to health reform: Urban Aboriginal women speak out
MN, Deakin University, Australia – Thesis: A community-based approach of action for heart health wellness in a small rural Canadian community.
BSN (Hons.) University of Victoria, Canada
Nursing Management/Leadership Certificate -Masters

Research Interests & Projects


Indigenous health (Traditional, Western) (urban, rural, remote); Health Promotion; Gender Equity; Cultural Safety education and practice; Chronic Disease Prevention and Management; Primary health care; Mental health; Women’s health; Decolonizing Strength-based Qualitative research; Community Led Participatory; Critical Perspectives;


Cariboo Friendship Society
Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Society
Kelowna Metis Community Services BC
Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society
Lillooet Friendship Centre Society
Métis Community Services Society of BC
North Okanagan Friendship Center Society
Métis Nation British Columbia
UBC Southern Medical Program
Interior Health

Selected Publications & Presentations

  • Kurtz, D. L. M, Barry, J., Hutchinson, P., Olsen, K., Moar, D., McGregor, R., Terbasket, E., Camille, C., Vrtar-Huot, A., Cutts, M., Darnay, K., Cundy, H., Kage, M., McCrimmon, N., Albright, C., & Jones, C. (2024). Indigenous methodologies walking together in a good way: urban Indigenous collective governance in health research. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 20(1), 42-54.
  • Brockie, T., Clark, T.C., Best, O., Power, T., Bourque Bearskin, L., Kurtz, D.L., Lowe, J., & Wilson, D. (2023). Indigenous social exclusion to inclusion: Case studies on Indigenous nursing leadership in four high income countries. Journal of Clinical Nursing Studies, 610-624.
  • Dow-Fleisner, S., Seaton, C., Li, E., Plamondon, K., Oelke, N., Kurtz, D., Jones, C., Currie, L., Pesut, B., Hasan, K., & Rush, K. (2022, Dec). Internet access is a necessity: A latent class analysis of COVID-19 related challenges and the role of technology use among rural community residents. BMC Public Health, 22, 1-11. DOI:
  • Seaton, C.L., Rondier, P., Rush, K.L., Li, E., Plamondon, K., Pesut, B., Oelke, N., Dow-Fleisner, S., Hasan, K., Currie, L., Kurtz, D., Jones, C., & Bottorff, J. L. (2022, Dec). Community Stakeholder-Driven Technology Solutions Towards Rural Health Equity: A Concept Mapping Study in Western Canada. Health Expectations, 25, 3202-3214.  doi:10.1111/hex.13627
  • Kurtz, D.L.M., & Nyberg, J. (2022). Learning from the Elders: Traditional knowledge and cultural Safety within health science education. In M. Greenwood, S. de Leew, R. Larstone, & R. Stout (Eds.) Introduction to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis determinants of health. Canadian Scholars’ Press.
  • Kolahdooz, F., Jang, S., Deck, .S., Ilkiw, D., McKeen, J., Omoro, G., Rautio, G., Rautio, A., Pirkola, S., Moeller, H.m Ferguson, G., Evengard, B., Mantla-Look, L., Milligan, C., DeLancy, D., Corriveau, A., … Kurtz, D., Sharma, S. (2022, Aug). Addressing social determinants of health is a priority for managing COVID-19 in Arctic Indigenous communities: results of a scoping review. Research Square.
  • Kurtz, D.L.M., Janke, R., Barry, J., Cloherty, A., Shahram, S., Jones, C. (2022, August). Learning from “Our Relations” Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and United States: A Review of culturally relevant diabetes and obesity interventions. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 13(1). doi:
  • Gresku, D., Jones. C., & Kurtz, D.L.M. (2022, Apr). Collaborative evaluation frameworks for Indigenous-led community health Interventions: A scoping review. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 37(1).
  • Kurtz, D.L.M., Jones, C., Olsen, K., & Barry, J. (2021), Leading our way: Urban and rural Indigenous diabetes and obesity wellness programs. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 45(7), S38.
  • Jeffery, T., Kurtz, DLM., Jones, C. (2021, Oct). Two-Eyed Seeing: Current approaches and discussion of medical applications. BCMJ, 63(8), 321-325.
  • Kurtz, D.L.M., Janke, R., Barry, J., Cloherty, A., Shahram, S., & Jones, C. (2021). Learning from “Our Relations” Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and United States: A review of culturally relevant diabetes and obesity interventions. International Indigenous Policy Journal, (12), 4.
  • Brockie, T., Clark, T.C., Best, O., Power, T., Bourque Bearskin, L., Kurtz, D.L., Lowe, J. & Wilson, D. (2021). Indigenous social exclusion to inclusion: Case studies on Indigenous nursing leadership in four high income countries. Journal of Clinical Nursing Studies, 1-15.
  • Snook, S., Kurtz, D. L. M., Cash, P.A, Vinek, J. (2020). Love in healthcare: A Gadamerian inquiry into nurses’ experience. International Journal of Health Wellness and Society, 10(1).
  • Schill, K, Terbasket, E., Thurston, W., Kurtz, D., Page S., McLean, F., Jim, R., & Oelke, N.D. (2019). Everything is related and it all leads up to my mental wellbeing: A qualitative study of the determinants of mental wellness among urban Indigenous Elders. The British Journal of Social Work, 49(4), 860-879.
  • Kurtz, DLM, Janke, R., Vinek, J., Wells, T., Hutchinson, P., & Froste, A. (2018). Cultural safety education for health and social science students in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and United States. International Journal of Medical Education, 9, 271-285. Online October 25, 2018. doi:10.5116/ijme.5bc7.21e2
  • Kurtz, D. LM., Mahara, S., Cash, P., Nyberg, J., & Estella Patrick Moller, E. (2017). Indigenous methodology in understanding Indigenous nurse graduate transition to practice. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 8(4). doi: 10.18584/iipj.2017.8.4.9 ttps:// doi: 10.18584/iipj.2017.8.4.9
  • Guerra, O., & Kurtz, D. (2017). Building collaboration: A scoping review of cultural competency and safety education training for healthcare students and professionals. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 29(2), 129-142. doi:10.1080/10401334.2016.1234960.


Selected Grants & Awards

  • Kurtz, (PI), Tarrant, Rush, Wuetherick, Bourque-Bearskin…Froste. Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous Wellness in Graduate Nursing Education in BC: The Time for Transformation and Reconciliation. UBC Indigenous Strategic Initiatives (2022-2024).
  • Bourque Bearskin, D’Souza, Kurtz, Moar, Palmer, Ryan, Sanders, Seymour (PIs). Reclaiming and Recovering Indigenous Knowledge in Graduate Nursing Education: Intergenerational Learning with Communities. CIHR (2022-2026)
  • Kurtz, Legault, Barbic, Greenwood, de Leeuw, Hutchinson Te Hiwi, Wilson. Urban Indigenous Wellbeing Research Cluster. UBC Eminence (2021-2024)
  • Kurtz, DLM, Barry, J., Hutchinson, P., Legault, G., (PIs), Barnes, Gillespie, Darnay, Ignace, Josewski, King, A., King, M., Moar, Olsen (CoIs). Urban Indigenous Identity, Gender and Wellness: Sharing Wisdom across Generations. CIHR (2021-2024)
  • Kurtz, DLM, Barry, J., Legault, G., Josewski, V. (PIs), Hutchinson, Ignace, Jones, Jung, King, A., King, M., Little, Olsen. Coming Together, Sharing Traditions & Taking Action for Urban Indigenous Diabetes Prevention and Management. CIHR (2021-2022)
  • Kurtz, DLM, Legault, G. (PIs), Barbic, S., Greenwwod, M., de Leeuw, S., Hutchinson, P., Te Hiwi, B., Wilson, S. Urban Indigenous Wellbeing, UBC Eminence (2021-2024)
  • Sanita, S, Kurtz, DLM. (PIs), Camogursky, Gotay, Greenland-Morgan, Irlbacher-Fox, Kandola, Kerber, Kolahdooz…. Assessing attitudes, barriers opportunities in Artic Canada. Culturally-appropriate educational resources for HPVV:NWT; ABOARD HPVV. CIHR (2020-2026)
  • Sanita, S, Kurtz, DLM., & Kandola, K (PIs) & International team, Otway,M, BroughtonS, Carnogurskey, J Delancey D, Doucette,K, Greenland-Morgan,BJ, Irlbacher-Fox, S, Kerber, K. Kolahdooz, F, LAboucan, M, Milligan, C., Rittenbach, K., Vehaeghe, T. (CoIs ) Capturing the anticipated/unanticipated consequences of COVID-19 (C19) and C19 prevention, management, and treatment strategies among Indigenous peoples in Arctic communities. CIHR (2020- 2022)
  • Sanita, S, Kurtz, DLM. (PIs), & Gotay, Greenland-Morgan, Irlbacher-Fox, Kandola, Kerber, Kolahdooz…. CARE NT: Caring and Responding in the NWT. (CIHR (2020-2025)
  • Oekle, N. (PI), Banner, D., Fournier, B.Airth, L. Buse, C., Dalton, H., Kurtz, D., Szostak, C., Woollard, R. Perkins, D.(CoI). Building Resilient Rural Communities: Understanding the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change Events IURC/Tri-University Partnership Research Fund (2020-2021)
  • Kurtz, DLM, Jones, C. (PIs).  Barry, Gillespie, Jones, King, A., King, M. McGavok, J (CoIs).Learning from Our Elders: Indigenous Perspectives of Gender in Harvesting and Gathering CIHR (2020-2023)
  • Jones, C., Kurtz, DLM (PIs), Reynolds, C., Aldred, T. (CoIs). Indigenous Methodologies: Building Capacity for Telediabetes/Obesity Care in Urban Indigenous Communities. AGEWELL NCE (2020- 2023)
  • Kurtz, DLM, Jones, C. (PIs), Barry, J., Hutchinson, P., Jones, C., Jung, M., King, A., King, M., Little, J., McGavok, J. (CoIs). Building Indigenous Pathways for Diabetes and Obesity Prevention and Management with Urban and Rural Communities in BCCIHR (2018-2023)
  • Jarus, T. (PI), Holmes, Caron, Walker, Andrew, Campbell, Albon, Brown, Donnelly, Quinn, Kurtz, Bunting, Tsukada, Mayer, Hamzavi, Matheson,  Joy, Lessard, Nevill, McLennan (CoIs). Engaging Indigenous communities in health professions educational programs at UBC, UBC Medicine Strategic Investment Fund TLEF (2020 – 2021)
  • Rush, Li (PIs), Currie, Dow-Fleisner, Hasen, Jones, Kurtz, Oelke, Pesut, Plamodon (Co Aps). Advancing Rural Health Through Digital Health Technology and Social EnterpriseUBC Eminence (2019-2022)
  • Bill, L, King, A, King, M, Letendre, A. (PIs), Ametepee, Barnabe Beaucage, Bourque Bearskin, Brascoupe  Crowshoe Demeria, Elias,Fayed, Johnson, Kurtz, Mccormick, Mcgavock,Nyberg, Oosman, Ramsden Sylliboy Venners Young (CoAp). Indigenous Wellness Environment NEIHR Network: A NEIHR Network with a focus on Indigenous wellnessCIHR (2018-2019)
  • Martin Ginnis. K; Jung, M. (PIs), Berg; S. Holtzman; R. Hickey; C. Jones; D. Kurtz, J. Little; L. Lutes, N. Oelke; K. Rush (CoAp). Community Health Cluster, UBC Eminence Fund (2017-2020)


  • Excellence in Advancing Nursing Knowledge and Research, Association of Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia (2020).
  • International Journal Award of Excellence, International Health and Wellness Journal, 2019, 2014

Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees


  • British Columbia College of Nursing Professionals
  • Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia
  • Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association
  • Canadian Nurses Association
  • British Columbia Rural and Remote Health Research Network
  • Women’s Health Research Network of British Columbia


  • Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention
  • CIHR Review Committee
  • BC Diabetes Research Network



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